Click the badge to link to the Girls Brigade England and Wales site.



Due to COVID restrictions we are not meeting at the moment.

Please visit our Facebook Page for more info. Girls Brigade

What is the Girls' Brigade?

A great organisation that cares about girls and young women.
It is Christian and believes you are important to God - and that God has lots to offer young people of today.
It doesn't mean we're boring and old fashioned though, in fact you may be surprised just how much fun you can have in Girls' Brigade.

What goes on?
It depends how old you are, but there are projects to get involved in, places to visit, weekends and weeks away, skills to develop, courses like the Duke of Edinburgh's Award to do.....not to mention the friendships, time to chat and relax AND of course the fun!

We meet on Tuesday during term time 5.30-7pm and our sections are :-

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The 4 to 8 age group in GB is known as n:vestigate. Children of this age are inquisitive, energetic and enjoy creative activities but they have very short concentration spans and are still developing their motor and academic skills. They like routine, familiar faces and repetition. n:vestigate for 4 to 8s is designed to help our youngest members to discover and enjoy the world God has made and is centred on the stories of three fun characters Gabby, Barney and Fudge the floppy dog, who help the children to investigate the world around them.

The 7 to 11s age group in GB is known as n:gage. At this age children want to gain social approval; they enjoy learning new skills, are keen to see ‘fair play’, are very competitive and have a sense of adventure. Although they’re still majorly influenced by family members, teachers and leaders they’re beginning to develop and care about group identity too. They love to belong. n:gage for 7 to 11 year olds is based on positive values which our children need and it introduces them to Bible characters whose stories reflect these values. The suggested activities encourage the children to show how these values can be seen in action
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10 to 14s age group in GB is known as n:counta. This age group will experience many changes as they cope with the onset of puberty, change schools and meet new friends. They’re very aware of world issues and will be influenced by their peers, the media, celebrities, fashion and music. They’re likely to question and challenge authority. n:counta for 10 to 14 year olds is planned to equip young people with life skills which will help them to face up to the real issues that are part of their everyday life experiences as they enter their teenage years.
The 13 to 18s age group in GB is known as n:spire. These young people enjoy deeper relationships with both boys and girls. They may be making key decisions about their future – options, work, and university - and can experience quite a lot of pressure from school, parents or even from themselves. They need challenge and adventure and want to take responsibility for things themselves. n:spire for 13 to 18s empowers teenagers to engage with challenges which will help them learn new skills and find opportunities to serve while discovering God’s relevance to every aspect of their life.
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Our Officers are :-

Leader in Charge: Pamela Fender Leader:  Jean Trewick
Pamela Jean
Leader:  Allan Fender Leader:  Claire Hunter
Allan Claire
Leader:  Claire Watters  
Claire W